Monday, September 20, 2004

Oil For Food, Money For Friends

Part of Kerry's attack on Bush's Iraq policy is a call for allies to help. Well, more allies, I guess, since we've already got allies. (Kerry has actually been mocking our present allies so if he gets in perhaps we'll need to replace them with new allies.) This aspect of Kerry's four-point plan has always been a bit of a pipe dream. Not merely because sending troops to fight in Iraq would be highly unpopular in countries that oppose the war. Not even because it's understood, just as in Desert Storm, that no matter how many allies we have, we will shoulder the main burden.

It now seems likely that some countries were never going to join us, and this may relate to the UN's Oil for Food program with Iraq. Right now much of the information is speculative, perhaps because if the worst is true, there's a lot to hide. But it would appear that the money Saddam Hussein got for selling oil, meant to help feed his boxed-in state, was used to pay off a number of people and countries for a promise to protect Iraq.

Paul Volcker is leading the UN investigation into the potential scandal. I hope he is incorruptible and strong, since the trail may lead to high places. The press has reported on the issue, but I think it could use more attention, sunshine being the best disinfectant. Fox News had a hour-long show about it last Sunday summarizing what is known so far. It was pretty good. Roger L. Simon agrees. So do the readers of this impressive Oil-for-Food website. Let's hope others pick up the football. Seems like a natural for 60 Minutes.

Adds PajamaGuy: Hugh Hewitt also in weighs in. Bob Newman, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like a natural for 60 Minutes? What's the new trend out there in illegal drugs, LA Guy?

60 Minutes does quasi-news up until it hurts their friends or helps their enemies. Then they go into protect mode. Kofi is safe (from them) and so is the useless, nay harmful U.N.

The Texas ANG, though, needs some looking into . . . I think there might be something important there.

4:37 AM, September 24, 2004  

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