Thursday, August 11, 2005

Fark Yeah

Powerline is in a tizzy because Alec Baldwin is leading FAG:

The tide of anti-American, anti-military, anti-Bush, anti-conservative, anti-Israel movies--Apuzzo describes ten, but notes that his list is incomplete--is simply numbing. It is hard to see how such a massive assault on American and conservative values, not to mention truth and history, can fail to have a devastating impact.
Apuzzo's solution is for conservatives to abandon Hollywood and its studios, raise their own money and make their own movies. I don't have a better idea. Once again, it seems that the liberals have succeeded in capturing a key component of our culture, leaving conservatives to fight a guerrilla campaign from the outside.

There is certainly such a thing as the culture war. But I'm unconvinced that George Clooney and Matt Damon ("Matt Damon!") are its primary warriors.

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