Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome

Meine damen und herren, mesdames et messieurs, ladies and gentlemen! Guden abend, bon soir. We geht's? Comment ca va? Do you feel good? I bet you do! Ich bin euer confrecier; je suis votre compere...I am your host!

Anyway, I've found out via email we have a worldwide readership. Sure, most eyeballs come from the good ol' USA, but we get people from all over the globe contemplating our pensees. Please, tell your friends; we believe in the good neighbor policy. And who knows, maybe some day we'll take on an international correspondent.

So let me take a little time out to welcome to Pajama Guy, sans passport, the people of Germany (Ich verstehe nicht. Sprechen Sie Englisch?), France (Voulez-vous cesser de me cracher dessus pendant que vous parlez), Sweden (Mysig), Italy (Puo parlare piu lentamente) and Spain (Estas en vuestra casa).

And to all you Canadians out there, keep reading, eh?

PS Let's not forget the land down under. Good on ya, mate. Fair dinkum.

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