Monday, March 27, 2006

No Opinion Piece

In the Sunday LA Times editorial section, there's a curious non-piece by editor Nicholas Goldberg. He discusses the repulsive article by Harvard's John Mearsheimer and Chicago's Stephen Walt.

Their main thesis is that the pro-Israel lobby (mostly run by Jews, of course) is too powerful, somehow fooling or forcing America to support the immoral country of Israel against its own interests. There's hardly a sentence in this shoddily researched piece that doesn't shave the truth in one way or another. So I was intrigued to see what Goldberg had to say.

Here's what he says: bupkis. After spending most of his article laying out the beliefs of these authors, he then goes on to note what they are saying is controversial to some. I kept waiting to see if he would take a side. Nope. His final suggestion is "judge for yourself."

This won't do. Goldberg, you edit an Op-Ed page that has an opinion on everything, and now these fools come along with their slimy ideas and suddenly cat's got your tongue? Shame.


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