Saturday, March 18, 2006

What is your one-word description of CNN?

This link on CNN about drinkin' kids in Spain (via Drudge) led to this link, about describing Bush in one word. The whole thing is below, but two paragraphs dominate. The first tells you pretty much what it's about.

Describe Bush in One Word: "Incompetent," "idiot" and "liar" were one-word descriptions of President Bush by a majority of Americans, a new survey found.

Wow. A majority of Americans, huh?

The second paragraph tells us the objective facts about why anyone with any brains would conclude that such one words would be appropriate:

The White House has been struggling to rebuild its image after damaging corruption scandals, slow progress in Iraq, the failed Dubai port deal, secret eavesdropping program, slow response to Katrina and the handling of Mr. Cheney's hunting accident.

Now, you know, I'm just asking, but do maybe story selection and emphasis have anything to do with this? And how many of them are true, anyway? Slow progress in Iraq? Secret eavesdropping? Give me a break.

Describe Bush in One Word
"Incompetent," "idiot" and "liar" were one-word descriptions of President Bush by a majority of Americans, a new survey found. Mr. Bush is also seen as being more "out of touch" than President Reagan. What would be your one-word description of President Bush?
President Bush has been losing the support of his core constituents, according to opinion polls released this month. The Pew Research Center in its poll asked respondents to use one word to describe President Bush. The results were startling.
The most frequently used word was "incompetent," followed by "good," "idiot," "liar," "Christian," "honest" and "arrogant."
Overall, only 28 percent of respondents used positive words like "good, Christian and honest," while 48 percent used negative words such as "incompetent, idiot and liar." One in 10 used neutral words, "O.K., president, conservative" and others.
The White House has been struggling to rebuild its image after damaging corruption scandals, slow progress in Iraq, the failed Dubai port deal, secret eavesdropping program, slow response to Katrina and the handling of Mr. Cheney's hunting accident.
In the same survey, 56 percent of Americans said President Bush is "out of touch with what is going on in the government." Only 36 percent said he is "in touch." In 1987, 47 percent of Americans thought President Reagan was "out of touch."
What would be your one-word description of President Bush?


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