Saturday, June 03, 2006

Pigeon Update (No Pictures This Time)

Faithful readers know I had problems with pigeons on my balcony. Well, not the pigeons per se, but the blasted noise they make. My sleep patterns were greatly disturbed.

They built a nest and I put a chicken egg in it. I hoped they'd leave, but instead they tried to hatch it. That was okay, because while they were doing that they weren't billing and cooing.

This worked about four weeks, but a few days ago they gave up on the egg and started making noise again. Then, miraculously, they got quiet and started disassembling the nest. Looks like they're packing up. Whether it's to migrate or they just got tired of that gigantic egg I don't know. I only hope they don't come back.

If any pigeon fanciers out there can explain their activity, I'd love to hear it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have returned to the mother ship in advance of te final conquest of the planet by legions of pigeon warriors. The cooing was an attempt to plant subconsciou--No I promise I'll stop! Not my eyes! ARGHH--

3:34 AM, June 03, 2006  

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