Saturday, October 14, 2006

Mela Culpa

So Mel Gibson has apologized yet again, this time on network TV.

He was asked why he said that Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. He explained it may have been on his mind due to the war in Lebanon.

Is it just me, or is that almost as unsettling as what he said during his arrest?

He also complained that during the lead-up to the release of The Passion Of The Christ, "I think I probably had my rights violated in many different ways as an American, as an artist, as a Christian, just as a human being." Wow. Maybe the Jews should apologize to him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed. Even if we grant that Israel "started" the war in Lebanon (which I don't), he is making two dangerous leaps. One is the leap from "the war in Lebanon" to "all wars throughout history". The other is the leap from "the government of Israel in 2006" to "the Jews". I think the latter is even more dangerous than the former.

I don't accept the Freudian notion that when we are drunk we reveal our true feelings. But logical leaps we make while drunk are certainly tied to logical leaps we are prone to in our thinking in general.

Moreover, it's hard to ignore the fact that Mr. Gibson doesn't live in Israel, and the country he does live in has been in a major war since March 2003. I don't see how any American -- drunk or sober -- can generalize to 'all wars' without including the war we are currently in. Therefore, if I had to speculate about Mr. Gibson's inner thoughts, I would strongly suspect that, although (while sober) he probably doesn't consider "the Jews" to be responsible for the wars of Han China or the wars of the Aztecs, there's a darn good chance that he considers "the Jews" responsible for the current Iraq War.

7:31 PM, October 13, 2006  

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