Monday, March 19, 2007

No good deed

How many years now has our LAGuy stood behind the scientists, refusing to back down in the face of arguments about evolution, er, intelligent design and whatnot.

And how do those stinkin' four-eyed monsters repay him? This is how. Wouldn't surprise me if he pitched his luggage into the ocean and headed for the nearest Kansas school board meeting.

LAGuy responds: As readers have noted, it's impossible to understand ColumbusGuy's posts by themselves. But in this case, even if they check out the link, nothing is explained.

ColumbusGuy has discovered scientists acting one way on one issue, and then in a perfectly consistent manner on another issue. For some reason this bothers him. Why I'm being dragged into the argument is beyond me.

The Great and Terrible Columbus Guyini says: Nuns. No sense of humor.


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