Monday, February 11, 2008

Blame The Process

Democrats are worried about super delegates deciding their nominee. Well if you didn't want their votes to count, why have them?

Senator Bill Nelson says "We're headed for a train wreck if we don't get this resolved. It is a flawed system that has to be changed."

But the reason you made all these changes in the past were to avoid previous problems. What happened was simple--you've got a close race that may remain close. (Though with Obamamentum, we'll see.) Close races can always happen. That's not a flaw in the system, it is the system. And that's one of the reasons you created super delegates.

Sure, you can say no super delegates and Florida and Michigan delegates don't even count in figuring out the majority and even go back to winner take all (which would have given Hillary a bigger edge, I'd guess). But then you'd just have new problems to deal with.

Just sit back and enjoy it. What's the big deal? Some Democrats worry too much in-fighting when they should unify and attack McCain will hurt the party, but I doubt it. As long as they can make up their minds before the convention is over, they'll be fine. No one really pays that much attention until after Labor Day anyway.


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