Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Part of the attraction of Mad Men is not just all that smoking and drinking they did in the early 60s, but a chance to watch a world with different sexual politics. Or is it so different?

What got people talking in particular in the latest episode was the moment where Don Draper, the lead, who needed a comedian to apologize to a sponsor, got fed up with his manager-wife's demands, pulled her head back by the hair and grabbed her by the private parts and told her he'd ruin her husband if she didn't come around.

On the Ain't-It-Cool-News talkback, a lot of the guys seemed to be glad that for the first time this season Don stopped being such a wimp.

But the gals didn't seem quite so happy. For instance, Karen Valby who blogs on Mad Men at wrote "It was about as crass a scene as there's ever been on Mad Men, and some of my deep affection for Don dried up." The Mad Men recap at buzzsugar had this: "The biggest ick moment of the night for me came from how violently Don treated his new mistress, Bobbie Barrett, at Lutece. His manhandling of her after she threatened him on behalf of her 'client' was uncomfortably sexual and made me a bit fearful of Don..."


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