Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Do The Dip

Looking over the list of major newspapers losing circulation (and it is impressive, if that's the word--The New York Times will soon dip below a million), many conservatives have a grand theory that says they're all losing readers due to their outrageous bias.

I think the explanation is less conspiratorial than that. In fact, you're looking at it right now.

(I should leave it there, but to avoid accusations of arrogance, I don't mean Pajama Guy. I don't even mean just blogs. I mean the easy and convenient access to news and opinion available on the internet at no extra cost.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is certainly something in what you say. But looking at my own experience, the bias in supposed "news" organizations has impacted the subscriptions I maintain.

I had a Time Magazine subscription starting in 7th grade (1974) and read it every week through 1988 or so. But I really did increasingly notice the bias inherent in their news. It bothered me when such bias was masked and unconfessed (which was often pointed out in the letters to the editor. So I finally dropped the subscription because it was extra work to have to filter the news articles with a necessarily cynical eye. And this was before the internet had become a source of news for me.

The internet, I should note, is not a good source unbiased news, in my experience. the bias is just more readily confessed. In the last decade, I have stopped watching network TV news, and rarely read the national news sections of the Denver papers. I like the news sections of the Wall Street Journal (usually short and factual), and actually I like USA Today, though I don't have a subscription.

10:53 AM, October 28, 2008  

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