I see my old friend Cass Sunstein has been named administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the White House. He'd been close to the President in recent years when Obama taught at University of Chicago law school, so I can't say this is a big surprise. And Sunstein's recent work has dealt with regulatory issues.
(The Chicago Tribune refers to Sunstein as "longtime University of Chicago professor" while the Boston Globe calls him "Harvard's Sunstein.")
So can we start a pool? I say April 1 is when he is named to the Big Time.
SWMBCg, etc.
(And can it be true that 30 percent of the content of "top" law journals is written by Sunstein? One "reviewed" law review article every three days? Gawd. What a paucity of thought. It doesn't matter how good Sunstein is; those journals should be embarrassed, either for doing their jobs terribly, or for being utterly unimportant.)
"Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs" would be a good euphemism for torture.
(What was it called in Terry Gilliam's "Brazil"?- Information Management?)
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