Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Sound Of Money

Don't ask me why, but I was thinking about Veronica Lodge, the snooty girl in Archie Comics. Or more particularly, her voice. She's of the Riverdale Lodges, the richest family in town. So I was wondering, why did the Archie cartoons years ago feature Veronica with a ridiculous southern accent? (The video I've linked to features all five main characters--Archie, Betty, Veronica, Reggie and Jughead. Betty and Reggie sort of make sense. Archie and Jughead are ridiculous. But Veronica is the most absurd of all.)

The newer Archie cartoons have a Veronica that's at least in the ballpark, but if they wanted to do it right, they'd try to make her sound like a modern Katharine Hepburn.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Betty chased after Archie who was usually chasing Veronica. Aside from hair color, they're alike. Why didn't he just go with Betty?

3:54 AM, February 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well back in the era when Archie was most popular, the "Blondes v. Brunettes" debate used to pass for elevated bar-room chatter.

Also assuming Archie is reasonable man capitalist profit maximizer (Is that where "Maxim" got its name?) a pretty girl with money would trump a pretty girl without.

5:30 AM, February 25, 2009  

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