Friday, June 19, 2009

You Know Bruno

Marc Shaiman is an excellent composer who, among other triumphs, wrote the take-no-prisoners music for the South Park movie. So I'm surprised at how thin-skinned he is about the prospect of the Bruno movie (which he hasn't seen):

The majority of Americans are not going to be feeling a twinge of self-realization when they watch the movie -- they're not going to be able to get that subtext. I fear they'll be laughing at the over-the-top queen -- not at the people Sacha is trying to satirize.

How stupid does he think everyone-in-America-he-doesn't-hang-with is? If the movie is anything like the trailer, it's impossible not to get.

Worse, Shaiman's like another South Park-related musician, Isaac Hayes, who didn't care how much the show ripped into everyone else, until it attacked Scientology--his religion--and he quit. Not that the movie's intent is to attack gays. But this guy can't even take it if people might not get the joke--which seems to imply the joke must never be on him. Seems to me when people start getting this high and mighty, that's the best time to take them down.

Shaiman adds: "With all that’s happened with Prop 8 in California, it is an unfortunate time to have to roll with the punches in such a big mainstream movie."

As someone who supports same-sex marriage, I must ask: What does Prop 8 have to do with anything? And what's his implication? That all homosexuals should be allowed to get married except the most extravagant?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Kazakhstan get mad at Borat?

5:38 AM, June 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And certainly Ali G impugned the sterling reputation of cable talk show hosts from which they have never recovered.

7:28 AM, June 19, 2009  

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