Monday, July 20, 2009

Cut To The Chase

Ever since Chase took over my bank, Washington Mutual, they've been promising to update its system and make it more efficient.

Well, they've made their changes and here's my report. Under WaMu, when I wanted to find out over the phone if a check had cleared, I had to call the number, hit a button twice, give them my banking number and my secret code, then hit a button twice again. After the Chase changes, I have to call the same number, hit a button three times, give them my banking number and my secret code, then hit a button three times again.

This is progress?


Blogger QueensGuy said...

learn the text messaging options; they're incredibly efficient and easy.

9:28 AM, July 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Fleet bought Bank of Boston, I had move from entering an 8 digit card number to a 12 digit card number. When Bank of America came along this increased to an 18 digit number. They clearly do not want you using the phone to conduct banking and were trying to move folks to the internet. (which if my computer didn't save passwords would be a disaster as well) The mattress ain't lookin so bad

12:13 PM, July 20, 2009  

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