Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fascinating "Fascist"

I met Charles Johnson several years ago at a panel discussion, but I never regularly read his highly popular blog Little Green Footballs. I knew, though, for years that he was attacked by many (including some friends of mine) in print and pixel for being a racist because, they claimed, he was so relentlessly anti-Muslim. I believe he thought he was just against Islamofascists, and was willing to use rough language and call it as he saw it.

Now, apparently, he's changed, and he spends a lot of blog time calling his former friends on the right "fascists." This fascinates me--someone doing a political 180. Sure, you change your views over time, but it's a gradual process. Johnson (seemingly) turned on a dime. He's not the only blogger/journalist/pundit this has ever happened to, but it's a strange phenomenon. What makes a person do this? It makes you wonder how deeply he held his views before, and how deeply he holds them now. (It also makes you wonder other things about his personality.)

The right wing of the internet has turned its back on him, but at least now that he's using his relentless hatred to attack Americans, generally Christians, the left wing will get off his back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is ?Islamofascist a real world? I guess it is as much as "capitalist oppressor"

3:21 AM, September 24, 2009  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Islamofascist is a newly coined word. Whether or not it makes the OED we'll see, but there are undoubtedly radical Muslims--millions of them--who support violent attacks on the West and elsewhere, believe we should all live under Muslim rule, and oppose basic liberal values.

11:05 AM, September 24, 2009  

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