Thursday, October 01, 2009

Vanity Plate Of The Month

Here's a pretty cool plate I saw on a light blue VW: GREW V.

On a BMW I saw P TOWN 1. Is this some sort of hip lingo I'm not aware of? Or perhaps a reference to Urinetown.

Saw READINK. Is this anti-pixel agitation?

Also saw URBNJGL. Yeah man, it's tough out there.

I spied I SPEYE. If you must try this, may I suggest EYE SPY.

There was a CHYMERA. I don't get the spelling--am I missing something? (Chyme is partly digested food, so I don't think that's it.)

Then there was KIDSXNG. Not a schoolbus, by the way.

How about this: ALLY-UPE. Why the odd spelling? Some sort of unknowable pun?

One guy had 2BFRED. Guess he's proud of his name.

Finally, I saw MOMMYR, but it was preceded by a hand symbol. I didn't even know that was available.


Blogger New England Guy said...

KIDSXNG- That has to mean something else but it does remind a related though totally different issue with using abbreviations-

When I worked for a state authority in the 90s,we had a main office in Boston which is where all the computers/servers were and all the email got routed through its exchange server (I don't know what that is but thats what they called it). This meant emails from the branch offices had a delightful header "BOSEXCHANGE." (in bold caps). This lasted for about a year until either (there were two stories) someone forwarded a message to state legislator or we installed a primitive spam filter which blocked all the messages.

5:47 AM, October 01, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which way was Bo changing?

3:07 PM, October 01, 2009  

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