Monday, November 16, 2009

Lazy Sunday

It's weird, Sundays being Mad Men-less. And no Breaking Bad till March. I see they've now got The Prisoner remake on AMC, but the idea doesn't grab me.

Most of what I've seen about the remake has been negative, but here's a positive review. However, it includes this questionable statement about the original:

For decades the show was considered little more than a McGoohan vanity project (reportedly it was done on a handshake deal with British TV titan Lew Grade), but fans and most critics agreed that television needed more of this kind of vanity.

Good or bad, the show was considered a lot more than a vanity project.


Anonymous Denver Guy said...

I have it DVRed (new verb), but probably won't get to watch before this weekend. Initially, I'm disappointed that it is a 6 hour mini-series. I think there were at least 13 one hour episodes in the original series, and I liked that each episode could explore a different, dramatic psychological issue.

Also, the episodes mostly didn't refer to each other at all (a different #2 every episode after the last #2 failed to crack #6). This mini-series seems more like a really long film. Of course, I don't know how it's going to end - maybe if successful we'll get new episodes next year.

9:26 AM, November 16, 2009  

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