Lerftover Vanity Plates Of The Month
Seen on a Honda Odyssey: RADIKL 3. I'm sorry, people in Honda Odyssey's don't get to call themselves radicals, no matter what the number.
Elsewhere, at first I thought I saw SYA LBR. Does this have something to do with labor? Or Syria and Liberia? When I got closer, I could see it was SYA L8R. Okay, I get it. See you, too.
I saw a PHAT XB. First I thought he might be proud of his Xbox, but the car was an XB, which explains things.
Saw a JJJMJJY. Sorry, that's just silly.
There was also a Camry that read FRANZ TOY. How Fran enjoys it.
Saw a BMW with MOVIOLA. Gotta expect that kind of stuff in Hollywood.
Also saw MY [star symbol] SPA. Is this an ad, or is the guy just proud?
Hey, there was a WTE RBT. A fan of Lewis Carroll, or the Airplane?
Finally, a NEXT.
As a pre-adolescent, I always thought it would be good to have license plate that was different as it would make it hard for the cops to call it in. Something like RWRRWWR. Alas another youthful dream that did not stand up to the test of time
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