Monday, December 07, 2009

Biden Their Time

The latest Saturday Night Live started with a bit where the White House gatecrashers break into an Obama press conference. I guess it figures they'd do something about them. But what it really underscored to me is how Fred Armisen's Obama just isn't funny. And it's hurting the show.

One of the mainstays of SNL has always been an ongoing routine about the latest President. While it sometimes took a few months to get it going, sooner or later they'd figure out an angle and from then on the bit would work. Actually, with most politicians they knew where to go the first or second time. Even a boring, fairly straightforward guy like, says, Bob Dole, could become a figure of fun in almost no time.

But with Obama, who's been on the national scene for about two years now, they've still got nothing. Nothing that's working, anyway. If they're not willing to go with some tic or oddity--and I can think of plenty--I'd rather they drop Obama and start going with Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.


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