Reid Me
Yesterday, on the Senate floor, Harry Reid compared health care reform opponents to those who were against ending slavery.
I won't bother to analyze the analogy. I just have to wonder if Reid can possibly think this sort of statement helps his case.
It makes as much sense as the socialism charge-the tit for tat does demean the dioscourse
Tu quoque?
Not even comparable. Anyway, who on the Senate floor called this socialism?
John Boehner did so during the House debate. Blanche Lincoln did so even while agreeing to move it forward in the Senate. Can't say I've heard McConnell do so on the Senate floor . . . yet.
I'd love to hear the quotes. Whatever they are, they can't be as scary as the open attacks on capitalisms we keep getting (from Bernie Sanders, Howard Dean, Maxine Waters and many others).
How is it not socialism? Good Lord, does anyone deny that Medicaid and Medicare are socialist? Would it help all the lefties if we quit calling free markets "capitalism"?
Sorry, I only caught them on radio or tv broadcasts. But you're right, I recall they were nothing deeply inflammatory by the standards of this debate.
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