Saturday, February 13, 2010

This Is Just A Test

Here are a couple tests that allegedly determine your politics. A short, sweet one is here. I took it and discovered I was a slighty left libertarian. I'm sure it's simplistic, but what do you expect in under a minute?

A much longer, much more confused one is here. I found the wording so bad that I quit after a couple pages. For example, right off the bat we're asked if we agree with this:

"If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations."

First, why the preface? Second, I don't find the interests of humanity necessarily opposed to that of corporations. Third, if it comes down to corporations over humanity, I'll take humanity, but most claims about "humanity" over "corporations" get the calculus wrong. So what am I to say?

Or there's this:

"Military action that defies international law is sometimes justified."

What international law are we talking about? "International law" is often politics by another name, so this is like saying "military action that defies the opinion of a large number of people is sometimes justified."

Or this:

"The rich are too highly taxed."

Which rich?

Perhaps this survey is useful. Questions don't necessarily have to be worded well to get good results. But I really didn't see the point in going any further.


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