Sunday, August 07, 2011

JJ Whining

J.J. Abrams says he still gets crap from Lost fans about the finale: 

For years, I had people praising Lost to death, and now they say: 'I'm so pissed at you for the end of Lost.' I think a lot of people who were upset with the ending, were just upset that it ended. And I've not yet heard the pitch of what the ending should have been. I've just heard: 'That sucked."

1) It's not the job of fans to come up with a good ending.  That's the job of the highly paid writing staff. The job of the fans is to enjoy the show, which they can't do if it the writers don't come up with good scripts.

2)  I guarantee you what pissed off fans was not that the show ended, but that it didn't end well--at least not up the the standards of the first five seasons.

3) Part of what made Lost work was that it seemed to be heading somewhere.  Unanswered questions and unsatisfying answers can make things worse in retrospect.

4)  Fans don't just say "That sucked." Indeed, I've read quite a few posts (and have written a few myself) describing what the ending should have been in some detail.  I would love to get in a room with some of these fans and work out a new ending--but we'd have to be allowed to redo the entire final season.  We'd do it without pay if you'd promise to bring back the cast and shoot it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lost finale had one good idea, and it was a shocking moment when we found out the truth, but they sacrified the rest of the season for that surprise.

2:40 PM, August 07, 2011  
Anonymous Lawrence King said...

I totally agree with LAGuy's four points. But I would like to add a fifth:

5. J.J. Abrams left the show after the first season. Damon Lindelof and Carleton Cuse ran the show after that.

By the way, while I agree that serious fans have serious criticisms, I have run into a lot of folks who agree with me that the final season was a step down in quality, and that the ending was bad. But then they say, "And they never explained things, like the polar bears." They always mention polar bears. And yet that was explained! In fact, by the middle of season two you know that Dharma brought the bears to the Island, and by the end of season four you have all the clues you need to deduce exactly why they brought them, and how they were using them, and why they chose polar bears instead of another animal.

5:53 PM, August 08, 2011  
Blogger LAGuy said...

Yes, I give J.J. little credit or blame for Lost overall. He helped create the pilot, but CC and DL were the real captains of the show (though Abrams may have discussed ideas with them and helped guide certain storylines). So, to be fair to J.J., his complaint is more on behalf of friends than a protest about his own work. Still, it's a pretty silly thing to say.

6:35 PM, August 08, 2011  

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