Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Fresh Parallel

Fresh is a film about a kid involved in the drug business who figures out how to take down the adult dealers and thugs surrounding him.  When it came out in 1994 I couldn't help but notice something. It features Samuel L. Jackson as a brilliant street chess player in New York who teaches valuable lessons to a young man--just like how Searching For Bobby Fischer in 1993 featured Laurence Fishburne as a brilliant street chess player in New York who teaches valuable lessons to a young man.  Jackson and Fishburne have often been confused for each other, and I'm sure these two roles didn't help.

But watching Fresh today made me notice something that I couldn't have noticed back then.  The film is about how an underling in the drug business uses a long-term chess-like strategy which involves lying to others and pinning false crimes on a smart Latino drug lord played by Giancarlo Esposito who's threatening him and his family.  Very much like Breaking Bad's fourth season, where an underling in the drug business uses a long-term chess-like strategy which involves lying to others and pinning false crimes on a smart Latino drug lord played by Giancarlo Esposito who's threatening him and his family.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just hard to find actors who can credibly play Hispanic drug dealers.

12:54 AM, November 01, 2011  

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