Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hauteur Cuisine

Mayor Bloomberg doesn't think much of New Yorkers, as evidenced by his planned ban on big sugary drinks.  With flimsy to non-existent evidence that sugary drinks are responsible for obesity, he then figures, with the reasoning of a politician who sees voters as children, that the only solution is to make the beverages harder to get. (And when obesity levels don't go down what will be his next move?)

But that's not enough.  When addressing opponents of the plan, his tone is one of open contempt.  He denies outright that it would limit consumer choice, when, of course, the whole point is of the new regulation is to explicitly limit consumer choice.

I guess he figures the people of his city are stupid. And since they voted for him, he may have a point.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tobacco Instittute refugees heard from

3:45 AM, May 31, 2012  

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