Friday, August 03, 2012

A Pun Is Never Unintentionally Rued

I can't imagine ever using the phrase "no pun intended."

When I make a pun, I let it hang out for all to hear.  Like it or hate it, I don't care, I made it and there it is.  And if I make a pun unintentionally, I'll live with it, not apologize for it.  Even one that might seem insulting or impolite (someone's missing an arm and you say "let me give you a hand").

Anyway, most people don't even use the phrase correctly.  Sometimes they'll clearly be making a pun, so it was intended.  Or sometimes the pun comes up naturally ("the idea of global warming is hotter than ever") but is nothing to be embarrassed about.  Why distance yourself?  If anything, you got lucky.

Next time I hear the phrase, I'll use the comeback I've heard a few times before: "No pun intended." "No pun taken."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I'm still a fan of "Is that the word I'm looking for?"

"It depends upon what you were trying to say."

SWMBCg, etc.

4:42 AM, August 04, 2012  

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