Running Rings Around
"Most influential" and similar polls generally strike me as inherently invalid. By and large I can't imagine they are anything other than "say the name of first famous important person you think of who isn't Miley Cyrus."
So unsurprisingly the president always wins because our press by and large behave as if they are lazy idiots of the first order and feel they must report on the president every day, no matter how inconsequential his activities may be.
Even so, pollsters justify such nonsense polling as showing "top of mind" attitudes and awareness, no matter how loosely connected such tomsense may be.
So what does it mean that Ted Cruz is third most influential, behind the "I am not a Marxist" Marxist Pope Francis (how did he beat King Barack I?) and Dear Leader?
That somehow does not have the ring of truth to me. And for my liberal friends, I'm sure it's leading us right down into a ring of fire.
p.s. Miley twerked in at No. 8. Personally, I'm going with "not sure," only because they didn't offer "how the frack should I know." It's top of mind.
It's a meaningless poll to begin with, but what I want to know is are the people mentioning Cruz Republicans or people who hate Republicans. I'm guessing the latter.
Who is tom?
The "Most Influential" polls are about as meaningful as the Consumer Confidence Index and the various Job Approval ratings
top of mind
You shouldn't make your neologisms look like typos
I can't stand scare quotes, though. Flashing red font, then? I wonder if html still supports that . . .
Maybe a subtle hyphen.
I admit, it's a problem. If I were Mencken I'd address it. Volume 5 of the American Language.
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