Saturday, October 21, 2017

Carrie Over

It's Carrie Fisher's birthday.  In her honor, I've been reading The Princess Diarist, the book she put out late last year.  It's about her experiences with Star Wars, including her affair with Harrison Ford.  It features an old diary she kept during its making.

Fisher died not long after it came out.  What she couldn't know was how spooky this would make some of the book sound.

For instance, from her diary (which has the sort of emotional outpourings one might expect from a young women):

If anyone reads this when I have passed to the big bad beyond I shall be posthumously embarrassed.  I shall spend my entire afterlife blushing.

You might remember her mother Debbie Reynolds died the day after she did.  And we get this in the acknowledgments:

For my mother--for being too stubborn and thoughtful to die.  I love you, but that whole emergency, almost dying thing, wasn't funny.  Don't even THINK about doing it again in any form.


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