Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Lost Again

In an age of TV reboots and revivals, I guess it was bound to happen.  ABC Entertainment President Karey Burke has suggested the network might give Lost another shot: "That is a reboot I would be interested in seeing."

Readers of this blog may be aware that I was a big fan of the show, and was also very disappointed with the finale.  But while I wish they could have done their last season differently, a reboot sounds like a bad idea.

Lost, which (believe it or not) debuted almost 15 years ago, was a case of everything coming together at the right time and the right place.  In fact, it was a gigantic show done as a rush job--it's amazing it was ready in time, much less turned out to be as good as it was.  Trying to recapture that magic seems pointless.  If they use to same characters and the same setting, I doubt they would improve it.  And if it's new characters, perhaps even a new island, it might as well be a new show.

Carlton Cuse, one of the two producers who ran the show, says he's not interested in revisiting Lost.  He explains he and fellow producer Damon Lindelof told the story they wanted to tell.  He goes on to note "I would be fine if ABC hired somebody who had a good idea involving other characters that go to the island at some other point in time."

He'd be fine, but it's doubtful such a show could be much more than second-hand.  The original series was the main story.  Nibbling around at the edges doesn't interest me.  I feel the same way, incidentally, about new shows being planned set in the world of Game Of Thrones--we've already had the main course, and I'm too full for seconds.


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