Thursday, June 27, 2019

Give Me A Hand

It's the last Thursday in June, so you know what that means. It's National Handshake Day.

No one knows when or where the handshake originated, but it's been around for centuries.  There's evidence it goes back at least the ancient Greece.  Some people believe Roman soldiers would shake hands to be sure the other didn't have any secret weapons.  I'm suspicious.

Handshakes are widespread--found around the world for essentially the same reason.  To be honest, I've never liked the handshake.  For one thing, it's a great way to spread germs.  Plus some people judge you by your handshake, and who needs that?

I'd prefer a wave or a smile or even a fist-bump--anything a little less personal.  And when you get to know someone better, go straight to the hug.  So though it's Handshake Day, I don't plan to go out of my way to do it.


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