Friday, October 07, 2005

Some blogospheric echoes

Apparently PajamaGuy isn't the only one to notice that the Washington Post put forth an unlikely proposition about a hearsay reporting of a conversation between the dread Leahy and the unlikely Miers.

(Indeed, as I write this update, the Post article no longer appears. Perhaps this is a simple occasional Internet service glitch, but more likely some editors have been belatedly asking the question, "What exactly did you mean by 'several sources'?")

The original Post article, quoted in the link above, strongly implies that Miers is stupid or stupidly dishonest or both.

But in addition to PJG, Powerline (and His Virtualness) and The Volokh Conspiracy and other cited by them have all raised suspicions. My guess is this link (National Review through the VC) is most likely the truth:

Miers was asked about Justices she admired. She responded that she admired different Justices for different reasons, including Warren — interrupted by Senator Leahy — Burger for his administrative skills.
Reasonable people could ask whether Burger was a great administrator, but the comment is taken out of context by the Washington Post. Miers didn't express admiration for his jurisprudence.

Yet another demonstration that mere reasonable editing, and avoiding outrageous bias, easily avoids easily avoidable problems. If something sounds too good to be true . . .


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