Sunday, November 06, 2005

Was It Just A Dream?

I just watched Fahrenheit 9/11 for the first time. And after watching this award-winning blockbuster, I had to ask--what was the big deal? I mean, aside from the predictably one-sided politics, the somewhat entertaining film clips and the more entertaining but ultimately pointless crackpot theories of Moore, why did everyone make such a big deal?

I realize the anti-war base of the Democratic party ate it up, but did they really think this was a serious political work? And did they honestly think giving Moore a seat of honor at the Democrats' convention was a good idea? Did they really think the movie was going to effect the 2004 election? (Moore does--he apparently believes Kerry would have lost by even more than three million votes if not for his film.)

I must apologize to all our non-American readers (I know you're out there) who don't follow our politics on a daily, intimate basis. You may actually believe, or have been told, that Fahrenheit 9/11 is worth taking seriously. But you have to understand, most Americans, left and right, had a least a general idea of what was going on, and could easily see that Moore is...well, not the most reliable fellow.


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