Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Giveaway

Ray Richmond of The Hollywood Reporter is angry at the mainstream media for giving Ann Coulter so much attention. Or any at all.

Maybe they are overdoing it, but, to be fair, she became a celebrity pundit by putting in years of hard work, not just by being a leggy blonde. (Though it didn't hurt.)

In any case, Richmond's outrage seems to be selective:
At the same time, I don't buy the argument that Coulter is merely a significantly slimmer and slightly more feminine Michael Moore. At least Moore tries to provoke discussion. All Coulter seeks to trigger is a fatter income.
1) Coulter may sometimes spout hate, or nonsense, or hateful nonsense, but she comes by it honestly.

2) That Richmond thinks Moore's crackpot ideas are more deserving of respect is a pretty clear giveaway not just that he's a partisan (I assumed that already), but a particularly clueless one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Complaining about the media giving ayttention to loudmouths who say outrageous things is little hauling a bowling ball with noodles (Its very hard and so what if you 're successful). Right wing commentators could complain about MTM making conservatives look ridiculous by printing Anne's rants.
Whether she worked hard or not, no one would listen to non-leggy blonde version of Anne Coulter. She's an idiot but one whose turned idiocy is personal wealth.

7:24 AM, June 21, 2006  
Blogger LAGuy said...

I don't think she's stupid. (I don't think Michael Moore is stupid either.) It's just that she's highly partisan--to the point of foolishness--and too willing to replace argument with invective.

Also, when it comes to evolution, she is willfully ignorant. I realize this is just another manifestation of her partisanship, but one would hope it possible to rise above that when discussing technical topics.

10:30 AM, June 21, 2006  

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