Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Let's Make Comparisons

I was listening to NPR yesterday. Some guy noted that polls show the West sees Muslims as violent while Muslims see the West as violent. He then started into some argument about how we're similar, though I didn't hear it all since I had to leave my car.

We all know there are similarities between different peoples--the Russians (and the Nazis) love their children, and all that. So what? The point is not that we see each other as violent, or even that we are violent. What counts is why we are violent, and what kind of violence we find acceptable.

When I got back in my car, someone was talking about Hugo Chavez. Chavez has made it clear you're either with his revolution or against it. As sure as night follows day, the woman who noted this then went on to talk about what President Bush said (or what she imagined he said) about terrorists. I changed stations. I can only listen to so many pointless comparisons in one day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's another pointless comparison in the Los Angeles Times today. It was an editorial cartoon showing that more Americans had died in the war in Iraq than on September 11.

6:11 PM, September 11, 2006  
Blogger ColumbusGuy said...

Yeah, real quagmire.

Had anyone said on 9/11, or 10/11, or 12/11, or any time in 2002, for the number of lives lost to date, we'd over turn Afghanistan, and Iraq, and turn Libya, and start a long process of dragging a failed, 9th Century culture into an era of liberalism (which of course means freedom of trade and expression), everyone would have said Bush would be better than FDR and comparable to Lincoln.

But don't tell the LAT. They're up to their hips in quagmire

11:45 PM, September 11, 2006  

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