Correction: "Gov. Seeks to deny insurance to all children"
So LAGuy appears to be correct when he says Arnold's a Democrat. Socialized health insurance. For the children, of course. He should get along famously with Nancy Pelosi. She won't even require that he keep his testicles in a lockbox, since he's already given them up.
One would hope that the LATimes would correct its headline, however, since socialized medicine serves only to make coverage illegal, on the pretense of making it universal. He's not providing it to all chidren, he's denying it. It's only that he and his successor bureaucrats will be deciding what is not available, instead of the chillen and their guardians. (Since the "details" are not yet announced, I suppose he could be proposing a simple voucher, in which case I'll eat my words. But I think my near term digestion is safe.)
Is it as socialized as Mitt "I'll give you my position just as soon I check the poll numbers" Romney's efforts in the People's Bay State Republic?
Here's a solution to health care imbroglio- deny coverage of any sort to anyone who is now, or has ever been associated with, a baby boomer.
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