Saturday, April 28, 2007

Despicable Habit

I was recently in a store buying the LA Times. That's actually pretty unusual, since if you buy the Times from a box on the street, it's 50 cents, but if you buy it from a human, it's 50 cents plus tax. (Yes, I know, it's ridiculous.) I only did it because I was out of coins.

Anyway, I gave the cashier a twenty, and he licked his finger before pulling out each bill from the register. Then he licked his finger and counted the money again before handing it over to me. Disgusting. I was tempted to tell him to keep it.

Licking your fingers is second only to smoking on the list of common but offensive habits. I can at least see how people get addicted to smoking, but is it that hard to break yourself from licking?

I've managed to live my life without ever licking my finger before turning a page or counting money or dealing cards. There's simply no need. If you absolutely must--especially in a business setting--use a wet sponge.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about double dipping, huh?

8:51 PM, April 29, 2007  

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