Friday, January 25, 2008

Watch Your Step

All sorts of politicians and newspapers are coming out in favor of Obama over Clinton. They better hope Hillary doesn't win. She strikes me as the type to hold a grudge.


Blogger QueensGuy said...

I suppose the NYTimes had the same thought. They essentially say, "eh, either one's fine by us, but let's go with the familiar. I mean, who here on this editorial board doesn't get a little misty-eyed at the idea of going to another 'Clinton White House briefing?' Good times, good times."

12:14 AM, January 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their editorial is pretty nutty. They seem to say they like Edward's ugly populism, but just don't believe he means it. They say how great it would be to elect a woman or an African-American, then say this isn't about gender or race. And as with so many Democrats, their first consideration seems to be how well the election plays in Europe--I guess that's what happens when you meet so many continentals at your monthly wine-tasting society.

At least they admit there's really no difference between Clinton and Obama.

1:34 AM, January 25, 2008  

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