The Election Issue Nobody Has Brought Up Yet
Whether to invade Iran. McCain could get caught up playing strong, tough, military guy and make leaving the possibility open look like a continuation of Bush's increasing bellicosity. Obama would have to be subtle in drawing a contrast without looking like a pacifist. Clinton would end every sentence in a loud voice to SHOW HOW TOUGH AND PASSIONATE SHE IS!
This ones an easy win for McCain. He'll make it clear that a nuclear Iran is unacceptable and we'll always keep our options on the table. If Obama tries to say he'll keep his options on the table, everyone will think his table isn't as tough as McCain. If he continues on the Kumbaya trail and say we should talk to the nut in charge, he'll lose even bigger. Obama doesn't even have the nerve to suggest what we're doing already, which is trying to bring them down from within, since he doesn't want to frighten the doves who made him what he is. Also, if he tries something really stupid like trying to make Iran's strength about Iraq, McCain can not only cut him off at the knees by reminding him the problems goes back a bit before that, but also note how humiliated Ahmadinejad was in his recent trip to Iraq, being booed everywhere and met with more opposition than support. The only way McCain can lose on Iraq is if he really is the tired old man that his caricature suggests he is.
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