Sunday, August 17, 2008

Palin Drone

Some are saying John McCain, being behind, needs a bold choice for Veep. I don't agree, since he's not that far behind, and the Veep pick doesn't really make that big a difference.

Still, McCain could work on his appeal with women. Someone like Sarah Palin (not but Condi Rice) would be pretty cool and shake things up a bit.

Lately the biggest buzz has been about Joe Lieberman. That would certainly shake things up. And when the dust settled, Obama would be President.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dems and the MSM are salivating for McCain to pick Romney and are utterly terrified of McCain picking Palin!

5:58 PM, August 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Romney?

12:35 AM, August 18, 2008  
Blogger New England Guy said...

Ah... once more into the breach.

Did the impossible as governor by making the tiny republican presence in the state legislature even smaller (19 out of 200 before Mitt actively campaigned, 16 out of 200 when he finished). Never figured out a governor is politician and not a CEO and was frustrated in his attempts to do anything. Had to leave after one term due to unpopularity and alienating the people who voted for him ("cattle rancher at the vegetarian convention" comments ). His handpicked successor, LT Gov. Murphy got creamed by neophyte Deval Patrick. Only two achievements as governor- 1)3+ years into his term, after a tragic fatal accident, wrested control of the Big Dig from a republican supporter and 2) brokered a deal to adopt a democratic health care plan (which business is screaming about right now). Inexplicably went right in 2006-08 when the rest of the country moved the other way (now apparently backpedaling). Spent $42 million of his own money in 2008 campaign to achieve.....nothing (ruining his 'private sector' reputation- thought investment bankers were supposed to know how to spend money effectively), had weird "oceans of pornography" commercial in NH. Various flips and flops are discussed in MSM sources.

I don't know if any of the above will keep McCain from picking him- but the question was "whats wrong him?" He might make a fine "mortgage crisis' czar though.

5:21 AM, August 18, 2008  

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