Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Thoughts Exactly

From the WSJ:

The primary discomfort with Gov. Palin is the notion that she doesn't have sufficient experience to be president, that Sen. McCain should have picked a Washington hand seasoned in the ways of the world. Such as? Here's an opinion poll question:

If as Joe Biden suggests the U.S. is likely to be tested by a foreign enemy next year, who of the following would you rather have dealing with it in the Oval Office: Nancy (of Damascus) Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Edwards, Joe (the U.S. drove Hezbollah out of Lebanon) Biden, Mike Huckabee, Geraldine Ferraro, Tom DeLay, Jimmy Carter or Sarah Palin?

My pick? Gov. Palin, surely the most grounded, common-sense person on that list of prime-time politicians.

As always, read the whole thing.


Blogger QueensGuy said...

You would trust Sarah Palin, who concededly knows essentially nothing about foreign affairs, to handle an international crisis over the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Based on her being more grounded and better at using common sense. Gotcha. I suppose this is the modern equivalent of preferring to be governed by the first x number of names from the Boston phone book, eh?

p.s. my word verification is "comooder." Sounds like a person who gets angry about you being angry.

3:15 PM, October 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't aware she'd conceded she knows nothing about foreign affairs. Certainly she's made less unforced gaffes in the past month that Joe Biden, and she's the one been talking to the press. Obama knew nothing about foreign affairs either when he started his campaign, and all he's done since is talk about them. Actually, to be fair, he knows a few things. Unfortunately, they're wrong things, so I'd pick Palin over him any day.

3:33 PM, October 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My child has been coming home from school with too many A's. I'm going to sit him down and explain he should stop and, if he does, some day he could be come the President of the United States. (Or at least the V.P.)

9:27 PM, October 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And so the lies start. A smart women who has proven she knows how to run things is now widely thought to be a dodo by half the U.S.

10:05 PM, October 23, 2008  
Blogger QueensGuy said...

She's undeniably a smart, tough, charming woman. She also was undeniably flustered by being asked "tough" interview questions from Katie freakin' Couric. Not precisely the highest recommendation for sending her into a meeting with Vladimir Putin, nu?

p.s. today's word verification is pigmfeck. With a couple of apostrophes -- pig'm'feck -- it would make an awesome curse in Gaelic.

6:08 AM, October 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't saying that Palin has no smarts. She obviously must have some to have arrived where she has, -- although I haven't seen them much on display in this election. There are different kinds of smarts, and many times I have defended those with lesser educations or a lack of verbal fluency as being street smart. (Case in point -- Richie Daley -- whom I defended to my snotty Harvard friends when he was first running with respect to his having failed the bar three times.)

I do object to the anti-intellectualism that is rampant in the Republican party now -- in which certain kinds of people are the "real Americans" and anyone who did well in school is an "elitist."

The Mom of a smart child (actually two)

9:39 PM, October 26, 2008  

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