Maybe it's time to give up on Heroes. It just keeps getting more ridiculous.
Hiro does one stupid thing after another, as does Peter.
The relationship between Claire and HRG, not to mention Sylar, isn't really working.
Mother Petrelli seems to have no plan, and while I like the actor Robert Forster, I don't really care about Daddy Petrelli.
Parkman is like Hiro last season--out of sight, out of mind.
New Nathan and Tracy make a much less interesting couple than Old Nathan and Niki. (We know Tracy won't make it, because there's a third part for Ali Larter to play.)
And nothing on the show has ever been as bad as BrundleMohinder.
If they had just set it up more easily--no future, the bad guys escape, and it's one group another with a few unclear loyalties, it might have worked. Instead they got stuck in all sorts of pointless alleys.
Well, I'm enjoyinh the show still. I want to give the writers a chance to come up with clever explanations for seemingly stuid or impossible developments on the show. For example, we now know Linderman was, is and will stay dead (which is good). I have to admit that I did not think of the explanation we saw Monday. I think there will be an explanation for Hiro's behavior (I just hope it's clever).
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