A Big Step (Maybe) For Biofuels
Cellulosic ethanol (aka ceetol) is really the gold standard of biofuels because it is almost carbon-neutral and doesn't require diversion of arable land. It's tough to produce in a cost-competitive manner, though, mostly because cellulose is tough stuff. This discovery may turn out to be a key step in making ceetol the preferred energy source of the second half of this century.
As the Good Professor might say, "More, please and faster".
Looks like it's going to be a good four years for Obama. He thinks he can will a switch to other fuels by raising the price of what we use now and refusing to drill more, but that would be a disaster. This is the only way to improve things.
Obama has made it clear he intends to offer tax breaks for research into precisely these types of technologies.
He's also made it clear by his words and actions he wants prices of traditional fuels to go sky high.
Have you read that Gore wants Obama to set up a power grid? Skynet it coming!
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