Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Get A Job

I don't put much stock in reports on the best and worst jobs, since one person's dream job is another person's torture. Still, I find this list, from, fascinating.

According to them, the top three jobs (out of 200 studied) are mathematician, actuary and statistician. Do I see a pattern? #12 is philosopher. Nice work if you can get it.

The worst job, somewhat surprisingly, is lumberjack. Number two is dairy farmer. Dairy farmer? I didn't realize these jobs had such high stress. My favorite "bad" job is #192, roustabout. What's wrong with being a roustabout? If you can't cut it as a philosopher, it sounds like a fun way to make a living.

Whenever I see these lists, I'm always reminded of Norm MacDonald, who'd announce the year's best job, and then say, once again, the worst job in the United States...crack whore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paralegal Assistant is a top job? I'm not sure if that means a paralegal who is an assistant or someone who assists paralegals. I would have a different answer for each. Tend to think they are the people who generally have to do the monkey work (routinized filings, forms, reports, dealing with CT Corporation) for the stressed lawyers who need everything Immediately!! On the other hand, they do tend to get to escape these folks at 5 generally.

The job has its pluses and minuses I'm sure and its seems preferable to the jobs listed on the worst list but if it is really one of the top jobs.....

Parole Officer? They are just playing with us.

10:47 AM, January 21, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing about crack whore is at least there is the crack.

9:03 PM, January 22, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He later said the worst job is crack whore assistant.

9:05 PM, January 22, 2009  

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