Sunday, March 01, 2009

Send Them PACking

CPAC had its first straw poll for 2012, and the numbers are all over the place:

[Mitt] Romney took 20 percent of the vote, followed by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal with 14 percent, Texas Rep. Ron Paul with 13 percent, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin with 13 percent, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich with 10 percent and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee with 7 percent. Others on the ballot included South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Florida Gov. Charlie Crist. Nine percent were undecided.

These sorts of things are silly. Even if the poll meant anything, it's way too early to be thinking about this. It's probably too early to concentrate on the 2010 elections, so forget about 2012.

In any case, the next presidential election will be a referendum on Obama. If things are okay, he can't lose. If they're not, even a weak candidate has a chance.

Looking at the field, all the big names listed above have flaws. I'd say, though, CPAC got it right if they're trying to pick a winner--Romney strikes me as the least flawed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a Romney fan, but I will say that a recent anecdote told by him was pretty darn cool.

I'm quoting from reporter John Allen, who is quoting/paraphrasing from PBS commentator Mark Shields, who was quoting/paraphrasing Romney:

.... Shields also told the story of a session with a dozen or so political reporters and then-candidate Mitt Romney during campaign ’08. Shields confessed he had initially been left a bit cold by Romney -- a man who, as Shields put it, never seems to sweat, has probably never had a pimple or a chipped tooth, and whose shirts and suits never seem to wrinkle. Yet, Shields said, he was favorably impressed when Romney told the reporters the following story:

“I was talking to my wife this morning about coming here,” Romney told the group, “and I asked her, ‘Honey, in your wildest dreams did you ever think I would be meeting with a bunch of big-name reporters who could help make me president?’”

Romney then dead-panned his wife’s response: “‘Mitt,” she said, ‘to be honest, you’re not in my wildest dreams!’”

7:06 PM, March 01, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that anecdote makes me think that his WIFE is pretty cool. He is smart enough to recognize it.

9:56 PM, March 01, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but the man who thought Romney Care was a good idea can never be the Republican candidate.

3:33 AM, March 02, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mitt told that story word for word at least 100x during the campaign using exactly the same vocal inflections. My guess is that he paid someone for it.

9:48 AM, March 03, 2009  

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