Wednesday, April 22, 2009


No new Lost tonight. As I said last time, how dare they do this to us.

Since there's nothing, let me discuss an episode I recently caught on TV--"The Other 48 Days." It's the tale of the tailies. The seventh episode of season 2, it's the first to take place entirely on the Island. One moment in particular caught my attention.

Throughout the first two seasons, as the mysteries piled up, there was a widespread allegation that the writers were making it up as they went along. I think this has since been disproved, and one of the fun things is going back and seeing how they planted little bits that would pay off later.

Anyway, there's a scene between Goodwin and Ana. He asks to borrow the knife that Ana got from an Other. Goodwin cuts some fruit, and she asks for it back and tells him how odd it is. Turns out it's a U.S. army knife, of the kind that hasn't been made for at least 20 years.

Viewers would have to wait another 3 seasons to figure out what that means. But it's pretty good indication the producers knew where they were going.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my husband at least appreciated the recap of everything that happened to the Oceanic Six after they returned home. "Paint Dry Anonymous" from the comments to the last recap should watch the recap episodes if he/she wants to follow the show without going back to the beginning.

10:28 AM, April 23, 2009  
Blogger LAGuy said...

The reason the recaps are often worth watching, even if you already know what happened, is they'll state things that you were uncertain about. They'll say "this is what Widmore did" when you weren't sure if it was him or someone else.

11:00 AM, April 23, 2009  

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