Monday, May 04, 2009

Know Your Place

I figured the Miss California brouhaha would settle down, but the opposite has happened. It's mutated into several different stories and Carrie Prejean is becoming the most famous Miss USA loser ever.

First, she's becoming a spokesperson for "traditional marriage." While it's hard to blame her for jumping on a bandwagon when her opponents wanted to throw her under it, this does smell of opportunism for her and any organization that supports the move.

Meanwhile, she's gotten into a contretemps with former Miss California Pageant official Shanna Moakler, who confirmed that Prejean has breast implants--paid for by the California Pageant people, no less. She also seemed to imply Prejean might be fired from her position as Miss California. The whole thing is odd, since it's not clear (to me anyway--there may be more to this story than I'm aware of) why Moakler is saying anything, except that Prejean is now controversial and Moakler feels hurt by her political opinion.

Above all, the hate continues. You'd think they'd let it go, but the insults just keep coming. The weird thing is Perez Hilton looked like a jerk calling Prejean a "dumb bitch," but some people don't seem to understand this. For instance, here's Keith Olbermann and Michael Musto chortling over her stupidity, apparently believing she's creating sympathy for her opponents.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A gossip columnist, the pageant loser and and a sports anchor have a contretemps over an issue which is beyond rational discourse- so why are we talking about it.

4:48 AM, May 04, 2009  
Anonymous Lawrence King said...

And yet all of her critics voted for, and continue to support, the current President of the United States, who opposes gay marriage. And unlike a beauty queen, the POTUS actually might affect whether gay marriage becomes law. And yet they don't ever criticize him on that point. Surreal.

5:51 PM, May 04, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pageant loser's original on the spot answer was rational and polite. It's her critics who have moved beyond rational discourse.

6:04 PM, May 04, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon- Gay marriage will be permissible in all states except the deep south by 2012. This tide has turned, move on to something else.

9:59 AM, May 05, 2009  
Blogger LAGuy said...

I favor same-sex marriage, and I'm aware of the latest polls (and I look at all the polls, never relying on a single outlier), but I don't think this issue will be a winner with the public that soon. If it really were so popular, why wouldn't the President, or a whole load of politicians, be changing their tune right now? They're still frightened of the issue.

Still, because there's a strong split based on age, it does seem to be a matter of time.

Even then, there'll be new conflict to discuss--whether churches should recognize and perform same-sex marriages. There'll still be plenty of chances to call future beauty pageant contestants dumb bitches.

10:24 AM, May 05, 2009  

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