Oh What A Giveaway
Here's an interesting claim--brain scans can detect racial bias:
Our brains may empathize along racial lines, even if we report no such bias.
Observers shown video clips of subjects receiving painful stimuli showed increased brain activation in the areas associated with empathy and emotion when subjects shared the observer’s race, Chinese researchers reported in a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience on Wednesday.
I don't know if this research is correct, and if it is I'm not sure what the cause is, but it's not hard to believe that a certain amount of in-group favoritism is hardwired into our brains. There's a long, and understandable, history of people living in a small communities distrusting outsiders. (Though how often did they see outsiders, especially ones who looked different?)
Anyway, if this is true, I'm not sure what you do with the information.
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