Monday, March 22, 2010

Still In The Masters

Some people think Tiger Woods return to golf--he'll be playing in the Masters--is too soon. But what is he supposed to do? Be sorry forever, and give up the game? The man was put on earth to hit a small ball with a long club. His personal life may be in shambles, but that's not my concern.

What intrigues me is how his return will be greeted at Augusta. I have no doubt the crowds will turn out. Even without the curiosity factor he draws big. But the question now is will they look at him the same way. I don't suppose anyone would be rude enough to boo--this is golf, after all, not hockey. But he's no longer just the best golfer ever, he's now the best golfer with the biggest scandal. It's not quite O.J. returning to football, but it will be a different dynamic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't think Golf fans are the same as e! fans so it will pass pretty quickly- he was not a criminal just a pig (and probably not that different from most pro athletes)who got caught and pathetically apologized like he had committed a real crime. The idle jokes will persist but if he performs on thbe course and avoids talking, Tiger will back on top fairly soon

5:01 AM, March 22, 2010  
Blogger Unknown said...

I promise you he won't be booed at Augusta. That's the toughest ticket in sports, and you'd have yours taken away and never returned if you were rude to a player. If he plays well there, all will be forgiven by the next tournament. If he plays poorly, he may hear some of it at the next tournament. It's not really proper under the "man code" to boo another guy for cheating on his wife, anyway.

9:27 AM, March 22, 2010  

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