Sunday, August 01, 2010

Spinning Gold

As I've stated earlier, Entourage is a tired show. Artistically speaking, should have stopped a few years ago. The characters on the show are either too successful to care any more, or if they're still striving, we've seen it all before.

The biggest success, bigger even than Vince, is Ari Gold, who's become some sort of super-duper master-of-the-universe agent. He not only runs the top agency in town, he's now bringing pro football back to Los Angeles. The funny thing is I don't buy it.

Ari's always been a fast-talking wheeler dealer. This might play in some places, but when you've got a room full of billionaires, and you're looking for contributions, I doubt the hard sell will work. They're a tough audience, and as much as they may love football, they're not going to be bowled over by some guy who sounds just this side of a con man.


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