Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hail, Hail

Entourage is back, but it's hard to get too excited. The show was originally about young guys enjoying the taste of Hollywood success, and worrying it might end if they made the wrong move.

Now in its seventh season, it's long since settled into a comfort zone that can be both the death of comedy (and drama). Vince and Ari have both proved themselves and are at the top of their profession. E is getting married. Turtle is starting his own business, which is a plot from a different, less interesting show. Drama is, once again, fighting to get work. We've seen that before, but at least it offers some dramatic possbilities.

I thought the show was in trouble last season. (The Emmys were right to ignore them this time around.) I still don't mind hanging out with these guys (though I've always felt the wish fulfillment side of the show was a bit overdone), but there's not really that much that makes we want to stick around.


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